Board and Train Spotlight: Milo

When Milo’s parents found Well-Balanced Dog Training, they were seriously considering surrendering him back to a shelter (even though they knew that was not likely to end well for him) because they felt so helpless and unable to manage him. They had been to two other trainers (and spent a lot of money!) only to be told he was a “borderline” case who would probably always require intensive management and would likely never get along with other dogs. He was very dog reactive with a strong will and major impulsivity.

Despite this, Milo’s parents knew there was a sweet dog under all of that – he had been perfect with their kids and a real love-bug around the house. But they couldn’t have a dog that they felt was unsafe for the other dogs in the home and neighborhood. After his Board and Train with Well-Balanced Dog Training, he was like a new dog.

“Milo returned from his Board & Train Program with Well-Balanced Dog Training and he was like a new dog. I also left with new skills - Meaghen helped me grow into the leader Milo needed. Her coaching and encouragement empowered me to regain the confidence I’d lost when Milo had struggled. She gave me the knowledge I needed to train and lead him, and rebalancing that dynamic was priceless.”

When we worked with Milo, we put in the time to really understand him and give him the basics he needed. We agreed that his parents’ instincts were absolutely right and that with the right tools and attitude, they could give him the leadership he so desperately needed.

Today, Milo is thriving. Prior to joining us, he couldn’t play with another family dog, Luna, and these days, they are the best of friends. His parents note, “Milo does still require a lot of work and attention, but he keeps getting better. Do I wish I had an easier dog? Sure. But we took him to Well-Balanced Dog Training because we saw something in him we couldn’t ignore. And now we have the tools and the team to help him keep growing into the best dog he can be. He deserves that, and we are lucky to have him as part of our family. Thanks, Meaghen for changing his life…and ours.”


Vinny’s Story